Hi gang so sorry for the absences but I have been knee deep in glue and glitter:)
The show I am participating in is this Friday and of course I am feeling behind.
This is the only other show I have signed up for, so I wanted to have lots to offer.
Here are some of the new pieces still in production.
And these little gals came caroling to my imagination the other day.
They introduced themselves as the Snow Sisters
Mable, Grace and Stella.
They are very sweet I just wish they would stop singing!
Ollie and Otter have decided the squirrel outside is much more entertaining than
the Snow Sisters.
As most of you know I have spent a good portion of my life as an Interior Designer,
so art/craft shows are new to me.
I am excited about the show, but so not excited about the hour at which I must rise that morning to set up.
I am so not a morning girl!!!
The show is in its 29th year, and is always held on the day after Thanksgiving
in the past when we have gone to shop it has been wall to wall people.
Hopefully there will be lots of eager shoppers this year.
I have to say I am a bit nervous as well, I think I am just overwhelmed so much still to do.
So with that being said I better get back to work, I wont be posting till after the show.
Therefore I want to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday, and let you know how thankful
I am for you, my wonderful friends I have made through blogging!
Speaking of wonderful friends please stop by the wonderful world that Donna of http://brynwoodneedleworks.blogspot.com/ has created.
She is having an amazingly generous giveaway!
You wont be believe all the goodies she has to share:)
Cheers my dears and gobbles of goodness to you!
Happy Thanksgiving
Hi Mary, my dear friend.
Thanks for mentioning my blog today...I was so thoroughly entranced checking out all your new creations! Good thing I won't be at the show or I'd just be blocking all the buyers at your booth. I soooo love your creations.
Please give sweet Ollie and Otter snuggles from their "Auntie", and watch your mailbox...package left Florida yesterday heading to the Land of Glee!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I can't wait to hear all about your show. Good Luck (but I know you won't need it!)
Wishing you all the best at the show Mary! Everything is so wonderful I know you will sell out.
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. So Thankful to have you as a friend.
bunny hugs,
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