Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nesting News!

I know I have been quiet for a while with my blogging,
but that's because we have been so busy!

We have always wanted to make lots of improvements to the cottage,
but never had enough time.
Now that we are here for the entire summer we are going full steam ahead!

Here are some pictures of the projects we have underway.

We have dismantled the back deck, which will be replaced with a three seasons sun porch:)
Construction starts tomorrow!!!

Here is how it looks now.
The other projects are small by comparison but still time consuming.

This is our main bath.
A few years back we installed new flooring, stripped the wallpaper and painted the walls green.

We never changed the floral tiles around the tub for several reasons.
One of the reasons was cost, the other was time...we never enough time to do it ourselves.
So the other day while taking a bath I had an aha moment...
"why not cover them up with paper."

And that is what I did.

Before shot.
I cut squares out of hand made paper that is green in color with flecks of brown.
Then I soaked the paper squares in water and patted them off between two towels.
This made the paper easier to work with,
then I added white glue to the surface of the tile and one side of the paper.
Waited till it was tacky and applied the paper to the tile and let it dry.

Once dry I sealed it with four coats of varnish.
Will it last forever? Most likely not, but it was quick and inexpensive.

And now it looks like this,

much better.

Now I just have to hang some art, attach fabric to the doors of a little storage cabinet
and turn this estate sale find into a decorative mirror/shelf for the empty wall over the tub.

Oh, the Trees of Glee are coming along I will share photos of them soon and more
nesting projects.

Thanks for visiting and for hanging in there with me through the posting drought:)

Wishes and kisses


Silke Powers said...

My goodness, those are a lot of projects! Isn't it nice to have some time at home to be able to tackle things like that? I love your creative idea for covering up the flowery tiles. Looks great with the paper! :) Silke

Silke Powers said...

My goodness, those are a lot of projects! Isn't it nice to have some time at home to be able to tackle things like that? I love your creative idea for covering up the flowery tiles. Looks great with the paper! :) Silke

Unknown said...

You will love the 3 season porch!!

Mary Wadsworth said...

Hi ladies thanks for visiting, I am having problems with my email so I hope you see this note.

The porch is coming along they should have it all enclosed by Tuesday!

Have a great day:)

Cindy said...

Home projects are always the best...its just getting to the good part (the finish) that can be the challenge. LOL. Like what you've done so far.

yapping cat